Philip in old age. His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle, Friday morning at age 99. April 9th, 2021. Prince Philip, who was born on the Greek island of Corfu on 10 June 1921, married Princess Elizabeth in 1947, five years before she became Queen. They had four children, eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
"Everything that wasn't invented by God is invented by an engineer."
This website is about the English translation, by Heather Bruno, of The Final Refutal Of Virology. A complete EXPOSÉ. We hope you STOP POISONING yourself, and especially the kids!
exposé (x-poze-ay): report that reveals shocking truth about something. "A shocking exposé of medical fraud."
If the reader can and dares to reason, let him reason this matter out and discover whether "viruses" as drummed into children's heads at school, and vauntingly displayed, with many pictures, from public platforms, have one inch of standing ground, or one reason to offer as an apology for their further existence and power to befool mankind longer. These are strong statements, but not stronger than the facts warrant.
“There is a single theme behind all our work — we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods (VACCINES, FLUORIDE, CHEMTRAILS, etc.) or they will get the kinds of messes that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it.” — Thomas Ferguson, U.S. State Department Office of Population Affairs.
“Isn’t the only hope for 'the planet' that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” — Maurice Strong, founder of UNEP (United Nations Environment Program).
“We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts… Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." — Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Biology and Global Change, lead author of many bogus IPCC reports and member of the Club of Rome. In an influential report, the Club of Rome, a think tank that shaped the movement from the late 1960s, wrote: "The earth has cancer and that cancer is man." And, years later: "The real enemy (...) is humanity itself."
The United Nations is a front organization created by the World Bank, for the World Bank. They published two books in 1992: United Nations Agenda 21, and Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming. These are based on the Iron Mountain Report, which talks about creating "... a threat (or threats) that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power." = FORCED VACCINES, LOCKDOWNS; RESTRICTED: MEAT, WATER, CARS!
Recall "population is a political problem" not a real problem. They need to reduce us to levels that can easily be controlled by a one world ruler. They admit, in Policy Implications, that population is self-limiting (birth & death balance out); and without intervention, the maximum population can be 14 billion (according to their own studies). AND THE SOONER THE INTERVENTION THE LOWER THE MAXIMUM POPULATION CAN BE!
Explicitly, Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming ( talks about vaccines for population reduction! They target poor Africans, saying that they can stop having so many babies in the hopes that 1 or 2 survive because vaccines will make sure they do. Meanwhile, African SHOTS OF POISON (much more toxic) cause internal bleeding of organs and organ failure and death which is passed off as EBOLA!
Keeping with the Secret Covenant "they will be blanketed by poisons", Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming includes a chapter on poisoning our air & water, in the name of "Global Warming"! Dumping IRON SULFATE IN THE OCEAN! Spraying ALUMINUM CHEMTRAILS TO BLOCK THE SUN! You wonder where your HEALTH & BREATHING problems come from?!?! YOU ARE BEING FUMIGATED SPRAYED LIKE A COCKROACH!!!!
The Iron Mountain Report, is all you need to read, to understand IN FACT they are using imaginary threats like the greenhouse gas religion and "the Virus" for world domination! AND FOR HUGE POPULATION REDUCTION!
In the above video, a trusting mom gives her normal little girl RITALIN PILLS: Girl kills herself!!!
A National Education Association report: Education in the 70's
"Children are to become the objects of experimentation."
"Schools will become clinics ... and teachers must become psyco-social therapists."
"This will include bio-chemical and psychological mediation of learning, as drugs are introduced experimentally to improve (to destroy) in the learner such qualities as personality, concentration and memory."
According to the World Economic Forum and those that want to rule the world, in the future "you will own nothing and be happy".
At the moment you think you own things (gold, property, etc.) but in fact you do not. That is your delusion.
In fact, if you don't play by their rules, you are deemed an "enemy of the state"! And once society becomes cashless, they can just turn your chip off.
Known as "America's Stonehenge," the Georgia Guidestones were unveiled on March 22, 1980, in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A mysterious man, known as R. C. Christian, commissioned a local company to engrave the stones with ten maxims to "an age of reason." These are inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts. At the top of the list is carved in stone: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 million, in perpetual balance with nature." Hence the popular nickname "Tombstones of Humanity!"
Excerpt: Lasting peace, while not theoretically impossible, is probably unattainable; even if it could be achieved it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of a stable society to achieve it. That is the gist of what they say. Behind their qualified academic language runs this general argument: War fills certain functions (there are 5 functions) essential to the stability of our society; until other ways of filling them are developed, the war system must be maintained — and improved in effectiveness. (One of the main functions of war is to reduce population levels!)
Abstract: There is a fallacy dominating the way of our thinking in current climate research that radiative gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapour are regarded greenhouse gases that trap heat and warm up the atmosphere. This article will show it is non-radiative nitrogen and oxygen gases that award the Earth a warm liveable near surface atmosphere. Radiative gases such as carbon dioxide are cooler than, gain heat by molecular collision from, and dissipate heat by radiation for nitrogen and oxygen.
Virology is a 3 part scam to disguise population reduction by vaccines!
Part 1 is the artificial creation of a dead cell mixture or cytopathic effect (CPE) to fraudulently claim the presence of a virus Part 2 is the use of electron microscope pictures to fraudulently claim the visualization of a virus Part 3 is to create a Frankenstein genome using a computer program and a patented template by Bill Gates to fraudulently claim it represents a virus — Final Refutal Of Virology full article & links!