Dr. Stephan Lanka answers the question: "What is in the test tubes?" In a single word. Spoiler: Nothing!!! (Except dead poisoned cells and cell fragments!) – This is what vaccines (& all SCAM-demics) are based on.
The way virologists go about "proving" they have detected "a virus" is fraudulent and unscientific. A TOTAL SCAM! If viruses were a thing, they would be easily detected in the blood or sputum, and directly isolated by Gel Electrophoresis—a laboratory method used to separate mixtures of DNA, RNA, or proteins according to their sizes—which is avoided by virologists, the CDC, the WHO, and government stooges! So, instead of using this legitimate method of direct detection, virologists invented an indirect fraudulent method, using monkey kidney cells in a petri dish in the lab. To this they add toxic chemicals, and contaminants (antibiotics and other sources of genetic material from cows in addition to the monkey kidney already there) which causes the monkey cells to die—this cell death is the cytopathic effect or CPE—and into this contaminated mixture of dead and dying cells they add the alleged "virus containing snot" (additional genetic contamination because of all the junk in the snot like bacteria and fungi etc.)—and say that the observed cytopathic effect is caused by a virus! In the sample! Completely ignoring the fact that they killed the cells PRIOR TO adding the sample!—They call it "activation", they must "activate" the cells ahead of time before adding the sample!—And that is supposed to be "proof of a virus"? Ya right!
They take pictures of the junk from the dead cell mixture (with an electron microscope) and point to a few cherry-picked images of weird shapes and claim that they have photographed "a virus". Which is just fragments of dead cells! What a joke!
They "sequence the genome" of the nonexistent virus, by using a computer program that builds a Frankenstein genome of a fictional virus. It does this by matching pieces of DNA in the contaminated dead cell mixture to a patented template (by Bill Gates) of genetic sequences!!!
The control experiment is the cornerstone of legitimacy in science. You want to make sure that you did not influence the results by any lab procedure. The control experiment in virology is to do everything the same except do not add any supposed "virus sample" and see what happens, are the results different or the same?
The results are the same! That's why virologists never do a control experiment, because it gives the scam away! Same dead cell mixture, same pictures. And, you can "find" any virus by running any template in a computer, which pulls out the matching pieces from any dead cell mixture.
Look at the "Materials & Methods" section of any paper in virology, and there is never a control experiment!
Cytopathic effect just means cell death. Virologists claim that the cytopathic effect (CPE) indicates the presence of a virus, but in fact they themselves caused it! Virologists fraudulently cause cell death by subjecting the cells in the petri dish to antibiotics & starvation, prior to adding the alleged "virus-containing-sample"! They call this step "activation" which is really virologists killing the cells ahead of time and blaming it on a fictional virus.
Virology is a three part scam to disguise population reduction by vaccines!
A simple control experiment gives the scam away!
Virologists have no clue what the word "isolate" means in the English language: